
Tmr——tomorrow 明天

eg:We're gonna have a meeting tmr. 我们明天有一个会要开。

Pls——please 请

eg:Pls call me back when you're available. 你有空的时候请给我回电话

Thx——Thanks 谢谢

eg:Could you send me an email, thx! 你能发个邮件给我吗?谢谢!

ASAP——as soon as possible 尽快,越快越好。

eg:I need this PPT tmr, pls do it ASAP。我们明天要用这个PPT,请尽快做完!

OT——Overtime 加班

eg:You can get triple pay if you do OT on public holiday.法定节假日加班可以拿三倍工资。

BS——brainstorming 头脑风暴

eg:We need more ideas, Why don't we do BS? 我们需要很多的点子,我们为何不头脑风暴一下呢?

BS——bullshit 胡说八道

eg:My friend said the house prices will drop 40% next month, but I think he's talking BS! 我朋友说下个月房价要下调40%,但我觉得他纯属胡说八道.

BTW——by the way 顺便说一下,或是说句题外话的意思。

eg:I'll do the presentation on Monday, btw, when will you send me that report?


TBD——To Be Determined/ Discussed待定

eg:The Launch date is still TBD. 发布日期还有待商榷。

KPI——key performance indicator 关键业绩指标,工作指标

eg: Your salary is based on your KPI. 你的工资是基于你的业绩指标的。

AL——annual leave 年假

eg: I'm on AL now, I'll be back on the 25th. 我现在在休年假,25号回来。

PS——Photoshop 照片编辑器

eg: You'd better PS them before you post.那些照片你最好在上传之前P一下。


eg:We'll have a meeting at headquater tmr. P.S. Don't forget your uniform.


CC——carbon copy 抄送

eg: If you wanna send an email to your boss, you also need to CC his secretary.如果你想给你的老板发邮件,你还需抄送给他的秘书。

FYI——for your information 你看一下

eg:When you forward an email to someone related, you can say: FYI. 当你转发一封邮件给相关人员时,你可以说:FYI.

BR——Best Regards 诚挚的问候,祝好

eg:we use BR at the end of the email. 我们在邮件的最后会用到BR.

CFO(Chief Fashional Officer),即首席时尚官。那你知道CFO还有首席财务官(Chief Financial Officer)的意思吗?你对公司职位英文缩写认知还只停留在CEO上?今天英语烟将军和大家一起分享你必须了解的一些公司职位英文缩写,记住这些,提前告别职场小白!

CEO:Chief Executive Officer,首席执行官

CFO:Chief Financial Officer,首席财务官

COO:Chief Operated Officer,首席运营官

CTO:Chief Technology Officer,首席技术官

CIO:Chief Information Officer,首席信息官

CRO:Chief Risk Officer,首席风险官

CAO:Chief Artistic Officer,艺术总监

CBO:Chief Brand Officer,首席品牌官

CCO:Chief Cultural Officer,首席文化官

CDO:Chief Development Officer,开发总监

CHO:Chief Human Resource Officer,人事总监

CKO:Chief Knowledge Officer,首席知识官

CMO:Chief Marketing Officer,首席市场官

CNO:Chief Negotiation Officer,首席谈判官

CPO:Chief Public Relation Officer,公关总监

CQO:Chief Quality Officer,质量总监

CSO:Chief Sales Officer,销售总监

CVO:Chief Valuation Officer,评估总监

GM:General Manager,总经理

VP:Vice President,副总裁

FVP:First Vice President,第一副总裁

AVP:Assistant Vice President,副总裁助理

HRD:Human Resource Director,人力资源总监

OD:Operations Director,运营总监

MD:Marketing Director,市场总监

OM:Operations Manager,运作经理

BM:Branch Manager,部门经理

DM:District Manager,区域经理

RM:Regional Manager,区域经理

PM:Production Manager,生产经理

Product Manager,产品经理

Project Manager,项目经理


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